PearsonDS 1.3.1 (2024-02-08)
Bug fixes
- Windows builds were limited to x86_64 CPUs due to an an oversimplified
configure script. Many thanks to Tomas Kalibera for not only pointing out
the problem, but also for providing a patch.
PearsonDS 1.3.0 (2023-08-12)
New features
- new function matchMoments that completes (incomplete) sets of moments by
completing them for a given distribution type (if possible) and returning
the complete set of moments or the resulting distribution..
(suggestion/wish from Michael Koohafkan)
PearsonDS 1.2.4 (2023-06-14)
Small changes
- empMoments(x) now returns NA if x contains missing values.
- a misleading error message (in case package gsl is not installed) has been
PearsonDS 1.2.3 (2022-10-21)
Small changes
- changed encoding to UTF-8.
Bug fixes
- fixed compiler note about missing prototype.
- fixed wrong character in comment.
PearsonDS 1.2.2 (2022-03-29)
Bug fixes
- replaced deprecated legacy S-compatibility macro DOUBLE_EPS. Many thanks to
Prof Brian Ripley for the report and the instructions for solving the issue.
PearsonDS 1.2.1 (2021-10-06)
Bug fixes
- fixed obsolete Autoconf constructs. Many thanks to Kurt Hornik for the report
and the instructions for solving the issue.
PearsonDS 1.2 (2021-06-10)
Bug fixes
- documentation of type I/II/VII has been corrected (the missing constant
1/|s| has been added to the probability density functions in the
documentation; the implementations were not affected).
(Many thanks to Prof. David Fox for reporting!)
Small changes
- changed the name of the probability density function in the documentation
of type IV to f(x) (from p(x)) in order to improve consistency.
- update of author information.
PearsonDS 1.1 (2017-07-17)
Small changes
- changed (inappropriate) CR/LF line ending of to LF line ending
(reported by Prof Brian Ripley).
PearsonDS 1.0 (2017-03-03)
Small changes
- added registration of native routines (in reaction to recent CRAN check
notes), thereby fixing wrong (lower case) PACKAGE argument (reported
by Kurt Hornik).
- changed sample size in example of pearsonMSC in order to reduce run-time.
PearsonDS 0.98 (2016-06-06)
Bug fixes
- implementation and documentation of type V has been corrected. It was
mentioned in the documentation that the scale parameter corresponds
to the reciprocal value of the usual scale parameter (aka rate) of
the inverse gamma distribution, but this was neither implemented correctly
nor was the probability density function (from the help page)
The scale parameter now corresponds to the usual scale parameter
of the inverse gamma distribution, the implementation and the documentation
have been corrected and adapted.
(Many thanks to Andrew Beck for reporting!)
Small changes
- replaced CHANGES with NEWS (and using corresponding markup).
- added many importFrom directives to NAMESPACE and replaced calls to
require with calls to requireNamespace (as suggested by package
- removed CITATION file (which would be equal to default citation info).
PearsonDS 0.97 (2013-11-20)
Bug fixes
- bug fix (and speedup) of random number generation for Pearson type IV
distributions. (Many thanks to Dave DeMers for reporting!).
PearsonDS 0.96 (2013-10-02)
Small changes
- dispensable file 'LICENSE' removed (due to check NOTE).
- dispensable use of ':::' removed (due to check NOTE).
PearsonDS 0.95 (2013-01-11)
Small changes
- calls of (deprecated and soon-to-be-defunct) function 'is.real' replaced
with calls of 'is.double' (reported by Prof Brian Ripley).
PearsonDS 0.94 (2012-09-25)
Bug fixes
- ensure that functions to be minimized by nlminb do not return NA or NaN
any more (by replacing NA/NaN results with +Inf) because nlminb does
not work reliably with NA/NaN function values.
(Many thanks to Prof Brian Ripley for pointing this out)
- bug fix of pearsonDiagram (for max.skewness>=32 [squared.skewness=TRUE]
and max.skewnewss>=sqrt(32) [squared.skewness=FALSE])
New features
- new function pearsonMSC for model selection purposes.
(suggestion/wish from Dr. Ross Larsen Ph.D)
PearsonDS 0.93 (2012-04-02)
Small changes
- caching of package gsl's availability status removed, because using
'installed.packages' or 'require' in .onAttach should be avoided
(as NOTEd in check results since [about] R-2.15.0). Slow down should be
- correction of link to Heinrich's working paper
PearsonDS 0.92 (2010-04-25)
Bug fixes
- NAs and NaNs were not handled properly in ppearsonIV and qpearsonIV
- (documentation) bug fix:
typo in the density function for Pearson type VI (only pdf-manual)
many thanks to Young Hwa Sung for reporting the typo!
PearsonDS 0.91 (2009-10-01)
Bug fixes:
- autoconf/configure mechanism was messed up -> no MacOS X binary on CRAN
Many thanks to Simon Urbanek <[email protected]> for his valuable
help (and autoconf lesson)!
PearsonDS 0.90 (2009-09-19)
New features