PearsonDS - Pearson Distribution System
Implementation of the Pearson distribution system, including full support for the (d,p,q,r)-family of functions for probability distributions and fitting via method of moments and maximum likelihood method.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.15 score 2 stars 7 dependents 143 scripts 2.4k downloadsMSCMT - Multivariate Synthetic Control Method Using Time Series
Three generalizations of the synthetic control method (which has already an implementation in package 'Synth') are implemented: first, 'MSCMT' allows for using multiple outcome variables, second, time series can be supplied as economic predictors, and third, a well-defined cross-validation approach can be used. Much effort has been taken to make the implementation as stable as possible (including edge cases) without losing computational efficiency. A detailed description of the main algorithms is given in Becker and Klößner (2018) <doi:10.1016/j.ecosta.2017.08.002>.
Last updated 12 months ago
3.32 score 2 stars 35 scripts 405 downloadsSimEUCartelLaw - Simulation of Legal Exemption System for European Cartel Law
Monte Carlo simulations of a game-theoretic model for the legal exemption system of the European cartel law are implemented in order to estimate the (mean) deterrent effect of this system. The input and output parameters of the simulated cartel opportunities can be visualized by three-dimensional projections. A description of the model is given in Moritz et al. (2018) <doi:10.1515/bejeap-2017-0235>.
Last updated 3 years ago
1.00 score 7 scripts 172 downloads